Teacher Training
Learn to practice and teach Vinyasa, Vin-Yin, and Yin yoga classes with clarity and precision from anywhere in the world.
About the Program
Now from the comfort of your own sacred space, and your own sacred time, you can immerse yourself in this incredibly diverse, yet complimentary, 100 hour Teacher Training program that is good towards both the 200 hour and 300 hour RYT Yoga Alliance approved Manifest Yoga Vinyasa and Yin teacher trainings.
Learn to practice and teach both Vinyasa and Yin yoga classes with clarity and precision, deepen and strengthen your personal yoga practice, and immerse in your personal Sadhana and asana practice while studying each posture in-depth from the perspective of both practitioner and teacher.
All classes and lectures will take place online via the Manifest Yoga On-demand video library accessible by computer, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

Course Modules
Within the daily schedule you will find a diverse practice of Vinyasa flow, Yin Yoga, a beautiful blend of both in the Vin-Yin style, a lecture series and Meditation practice. Below find further descriptions.
Vinyasa Flow
Vin Yin
Yin Yoga & Deep Stretch
When we plant our seed of Sankalpa (heartfelt intention and purpose) deep within our subconscious mind It becomes a powerful tool of manifesting what we want in our lives. When we consciously connect our Sankalpa with our asana practice it sends a direct message to the universe that we are ready to take action and the universe will rise up to support us. We become co-creators and manifest artists to the world in which we live. Contained within this 100 hour Teacher Training is a fusion created by Tymi using a Sankalpa / intention setting exercise, pranayama, japa/mantra, and ending with a short Yoga Nidra.
Lecture Series
In this 100 hour Teacher Training the Lecture series will focus the business of Yoga, Class Design & Sequencing, Chakra Balancing through Meditation, Anatomy & Physiology, and Asana deconstruction.
Course Schedule
This training will focus on providing tools and techniques to refine your own personal asana practice, develop a daily Sadhana practice (meditation, mantra, pranayama), understand foundational anatomy and physiology as applied to yoga asana, how to creatively and skillfully cue and teach both Vinyasa and Yin yoga classes, how to incorporate yoga history and philosophy into practice and teaching, how to incorporate music and creating playlists into yoga classes, mindful assisting and adjusting in a new world, how to create intelligent sequences and themes for classes from a place of intuition and will further explore a deeper study of the asanas (postures) in-depth with daily posture clinics and lectures and the business and marketing of yoga!
DAY 1: Principles
DAY 1 of Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Principles of Ashtanga Vinyasa
Topic: Meditation
Topic: Vinyasa – Kali ma
Topic: Sun Salutations Breakdown (lecture)
Topic: Yin Yoga (Hips & Shoulders)
Topic: Review
DAY 2 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Anusara Invocation (handout)
Topic: Vin Yin (Love Wins)
Topic: Meditation (8-limbs, Yama & Niyama)
Topic: LECTURE: Asana Clinics
Topic:Vinyasa (Hero Flow)
DAY 3 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Asana Clinic Sequencing (lecture)
Topic: Meditation (Japa & Pranayama)
Topic: Sequencing and Anatomy 1 (lecture)
Topic: Sequence and Homework (handout)
Topic: Anatomy (handout)
DAY 4 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Vinyasa (Home Flow)
Topic: Meditation & Lecture (Anatomy 2)
DAY 5 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (Lokah)
Topic: Vinyasa (Breakdance Flow)
Topic: Muscular System (lecture)
DAY 6 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation & Japa
Topic: Vinyasa (Conversing with the body)
DAY 7 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (So Hum)
Topic: Vinyasa (Strong body, strong mind)
Topic: Endocrine system & Chakras (lecture)
Topic: Yin Yoga (Hamstring, Hips, and Spine)
Topic: Chakras Expanded (handout)
DAY 8 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Vin Yin (Heart of gratitude)
Topic: Meditation (Yum Mantra)
Topic: Vinyasa (Deep Heart Openers)
Topic: Asana Deconstruction (lecture)
DAY 9 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (Releasing Fear)
Topic: Vinyasa (Let go of fear flow)
Topic: Structuring and Sequencing of a Class
Topic: Yin Yoga (Inner Guru)
DAY 10 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Vin-Yin (Power of Love)
Topic: Meditation (Root Chakra)
Topic: Vinyasa (Rooted and Grounded)
Topic: Ancient & Modern Yoga (lecture)
DAY 11 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (Sacral Chakra)
Topic: Vinyasa (Hips don’t Lie)
Topic: Unravel and Unwind (handout)
Topic: Myofascial and Yin Yoga (lecture)
DAY 12 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (Throat Chakra)
Topic: Vinyasa (Throat Chakra)
DAY 13 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (Third Eye Chakra)
Topic: Vinyasa (Finding hang time in handstand)
Topic: Myofascial Release (practice)
Topic: Yin Yoga (Strap Sequence)
DAY 14 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (Crown Chakra)
Topic: Vinyasa (Peacock Flow)
Topic: Mythology, Deities, and Symbols (handout)
Topic: Mythology, Deities, and Inspiration (lecture)
DAY 15 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (Chakra Balancing)
Topic: Vinyasa (Block Play)
Topic: Sequencing and Structure of a Yoga Class (lecture)
Topic: Sequencing and Planning Classes (handout)
Topic: Yin Yoga (Happy Hips, Happy Shoulders)
DAY 16 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Vin Yin (Strong & Soft)
Topic: Meditation (Teaching Meditation)
Topic: Vinyasa (Splits up the Wall)
Topic: Teaching Specialized Students (lecture)
DAY 17 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Meditation (Yoga Nidra Body Scan)
Topic: Vinyasa (Flowing into Fall)
Topic: The Business of Yoga (handout)
Topic: The Business and Profession of Yoga (lecture)
DAY 18 Virtual Teacher Training
Topic: Vinyasa (Pranayama & Vinyasa)
Steady Breath. Steady Mind.